суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

How to: Tie dye T-shirt

Ancient Tie-Dye Methods

Tie-dye wasn't the brainchild of American hippies during the 1960s. Traditional methods of tie-dye were formed in India, Japan and Africa as early as the sixth century. The oldest known tie-dye tradition that is still practiced is an Indian method called Bandhani. Another form of tie-dye is Shabori, a method that is very similar to modern tie-dye. The Japanese used primarily indigo to dye their garments, which were usually made of silk or hemp.

Tie-Dye Comes to America

In the 1960s, tie-dye was brought to America through the hippie movement, a youth movement that advocated the sexual revolution, psychedelic rock and protested the Vietnam W ar. Hippies wanted a way to escape from the strict social norm of the 50s, and tie-dye was just one way of expressing their free-spirited nature. Before tie-dye became popular, Rit Dye was struggling. Don Price, a marketer for Hellmann's Mayonnaise, began a marketing campaign for the dye in Greenwich Village, where many hippies lived. He went door to door, looking for artists who would use Rit for tie-dyeing. Then came Will and Eileen Richardson, two retired artists who made tie-dye pieces that Price showed to designers and fashion editors. After clothing designer Halston started using tie-dye in his designs, stars such as Janis Joplin were wearing it. Soon enough, tie-dye became a bandwagon the entire youth generation jumped on.

This is a really easy technique, so everybody can do it. Watch this tutorial and make your own tie dye t-shirt!

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